I love my Clients: Sunny Dreams Farm

One of my first official clients, was Sunny Dreams Farms. Located in Harford county, Maryland, this small, family owned farm has been one of my favorites to work with the owners, Kenny and Michele decided to pursue their dream of having their own farm. Over the last number of years, they've continued to expand their farm, offer incredible produce, amazing livestock, and a truly unique, comfortable environment for everyone who comes to their farm. They are the only farm in Maryland to be registered Harlequin sheep breeders. They also have chickens, Southdown Babydoll sheep, Nigerian dwarf goats, Julianna pigs, and miniature potbellied pigs, just to name a few of their animals.

a joyful moment between Kenny and Michele, the owners of Sunny Dreams Farm, as they share a warm embrace in front of their farm's rustic backdrop

Kenny and Michele are two of the dearest people I have met. Both of their hard work and dedication is nothing short of impressive. They both have their own careers that they still pursue full-time while running the farm and growing its operations. Not only that, but this couple has so much love for all of the animals on their farm, that it is absolutely precious to watch. This summer, I had the pleasure of going there in person, for a photography shoot, and it was a heartwarming experience. You can see Kenny, beaming of joy in every picture. It makes my heart melt. These two incredible individuals have truly built something amazing in Bel Air, Maryland. I wish I was closer to their farm so I could go there all the time, help out with the animals, stock up on amazing produce, and soak in this family energy that they both bring to the table.

Kenny, smiling broadly as he holds a content goat in his arms, showcasing the deep bond between the farmer and his animals.

When I get to work on their projects, like organic, local SEO, updating their website, enhancing their Google business profile, editing photos, or whatever else comes up, I thoroughly enjoy getting to use my skills to grow their online presence. I believe in the power of small businesses, and especially the power of American, family owned, small farms. I love being able to help get them seen online. The growth that sunny dreams Farms has had in the last number of years has been exciting and impressive. It's a testament to the value of organic online marketing, especially for small, local business.

a close-up of a curious miniature pig, its snout front and center, as it explores the grassy farm

So if you are over on the East Coast, want to support an amazing farm, or are even thinking about getting some sheep head on over to their website. If you are also a small, local, farm owner, who wants to organically improve their online presence, reach out, and let's chat!

a friendly sheep staring directly into the camera, with another sheep grazing in the background, highlighting the peaceful and pastoral life at Sunny Dreams Farm

Local Business Branding Photoshoot


Why You Should Optimize Your Google Business Profile with Photos