Slow and Steady: Achieving Balance in Business and Life

As entrepreneurs in these crazy times, it can easily feel like we have no time for ourselves, our lives, or our wellness. We spend most of our days pouring our heart, soul, energy, and time into building our own businesses, and often take on second or third jobs. However, making time for what truly matters is essential for our growth and well-being.

The Entrepreneurial Hustle

The life of an entrepreneur is hectic and often overwhelming. Between managing business operations, handling multiple responsibilities, oftentimes multiple jobs, and tirelessly striving for success, finding time for personal wellness can seem impossible. The constant hustle can drain our energy and feel like there’s little room for self-care.

The Power of Small, Attainable Changes

Yet, just five minutes every day can make a difference. Small, attainable changes build up to growth, transmutation, and a beautiful metamorphosis. Unlike the past, where overnight changes seemed possible, today's chaotic world energies can make such transformations harder. Instead, slow and steady progress is the key. Each small step taken consistently contributes to significant, lasting change.

image of hands potting plant in planter. adding soil.

Embracing Our Post-Saturn Return

Astrologically speaking, once we hit our Saturn return, usually around our early 30s, it becomes harder for us to change. We become somewhat cemented in the ways we emerge from this period. So, ff you've struggled to implement all the changes you want quickly, know you're not alone. It’s not just you; it simply takes longer as we get older. Embracing this fact allows us to be more patient and understanding with ourselves.

Consistency and Discipline

Consistency and discipline are invaluable attributes. An astrology report by Michele Knight once emphasized the importance of “detail and discipline” in making our dreams come true. Those words forever stuck with me. Regardless of your astrological sign, discipline is crucial for progress. Often, our biggest obstacle is ourselves. Challenging, stopping, and adapting our habits to align with our highest self requires getting intimate with ourselves, being realistic, compassionate, and encouraging.

Overcoming Self-Imposed Obstacles

Addressing our internal challenges is vital. By holding ourselves accountable and being kind to ourselves, we can overcome these obstacles. Consistency and not overcommitting are essential. Start with what you can realistically implement on a regular basis. There’s no need to set our expectations so high that we are always disappointing ourselves. Find what you can ahieve and then go do it. On the daily. Like so:

  • Meditation: Start with a five-minute meditation each day. Gradually increase to morning and evening. Then start increasing the duration as you build up the habit.

  • Healthier Eating: Make gradual, consistent changes. Reduce sugar intake, be mindful of eating habits, and increase water and vegetable consumption. One cup, portion, or serving a day. Then stick with it!

    Whatever it is you’re doing, track your progress and celebrate small victories. Don’t miss more than a day of whatever habit you’re building. Set realistic goals and be patient with your journey. BE your biggest cheerleader and tell yourself how proud you are of each change you change and commit to.

Take it from someone who has done a lot of personal overhauling in her personal, mental, emotional, and professional worlds: consistency and discipline are your friends. You are your best friend (and your own worst enemy). By getting to know yourself, optimizing yourself, and tuning in to what you want to be, you can accomplish wonders. You are the only thing standing in the way of your dreams.

Image of sunrise over the ocean with waves coming in and sun peaking through rock formation

Slow and steady progress leads to lasting change. Start small, stay consistent, and believe in your ability to achieve your highest self. By making time for what matters, you can find balance in your business and life, ultimately leading to greater success and fulfillment.


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