Starting where you’re at & with what you already have

I started building Sidler Studios when I was un-housed and had nothing to my name. I was in a really tough situation but had a lot of time and notepads. I started there.

I knew I couldn’t afford business cards, a website, or literally anything else besides surviving. the day to day. So instead, I dreamed and planned. List after list. Outline after outline. I engineered what I wanted, what it’d look like, and how to get there.

It was NOT an overnight business by any means. It took years of many, many muggle jobs, late-night planning sessions, and investing in my dream.

While Sidler Studios is only in it’s first official year, it’s still more than I ever dreamed. It’s hard to wrap my mind around where I’m at and how I got here.

So, I definitely understand what it’s like to want to start your own business but to think you can’t afford to or that you’re not capable of it.

I’m here to tell you, your thoughts are lying to you.

You can start wherever you’re at. You can be successful. You can live your dream job and run your dream business. If I can do it, anyone can.

You don’t need heaps of money to start planning, dreaming, list-making, and strategizing. That’s all free and all you.


Let’s talk about the “gram”